-- *****************************************************************************
-- draft-ietf-idmr-dvmrp-mib-11.txt
-- Copyright (c) 1999 The Internet Society.
-- Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Unisphere Networks, Inc.
-- Copyright (c) 2002 Juniper Networks, Inc.
--   All Rights Reserved.
-- Juniper Networks edits to this MIB:                                ** JUNI **
--   04/15/00  kwc  Assigned an enterprise experimental OID.
--   11/26/01  kwc  Changed the identifier names by appending a prefix ("uxd")
--                  in order to avoid naming conflects with the IETF version.
--   09/17/02  kwc  Replaced Unisphere names with Juniper names ("junid").
-- *****************************************************************************


    juniDvmrpExperiment              FROM Juniper-Experiment       -- ** JUNI **
    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, -- mib-2,                           ** JUNI **
    Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,
    IpAddress, TimeTicks             FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    DisplayString, RowStatus         FROM SNMPv2-TC
    SnmpAdminString                  FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
    InterfaceIndex                   FROM IF-MIB;

    LAST-UPDATED "9910191200Z" -- October 19, 1999
            " Dave Thaler
              One Microsoft Way
              Redmond, WA 98052-6399
              EMail: dthaler@microsoft.com"
            "The MIB module for management of DVMRP routers."
    REVISION     "9910191200Z" -- October 19, 1999

            "Initial version, published as RFC xxxx (to be filled in by
    -- ::= { mib-2 xx }                                               ** JUNI **
    -- NOTE TO RFC EDITOR: When this document is published as an
    -- RFC, replace xx with IANA assignment, and delete this comment.
    ::= { juniDvmrpExperiment 1 }                                  -- ** JUNI **
    -- Juniper experimental MIB;                                      ** JUNI **
    -- will be retired when a mib-2 value is assigned.                ** JUNI **

junidDvmrpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrpStdMIB 1 }

junidDvmrp           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrpMIBObjects 1 }

junidDvmrpScalar     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrp 1 }

junidDvmrpVersionString OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The router's DVMRP version information.  Similar to
            sysDescr in MIB-II, this is a free-form field which can be
            used to display vendor-specific information."
    ::= { junidDvmrpScalar 1 }

junidDvmrpGenerationId OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The generation identifier for the routing process.  This is
            used by neighboring routers to detect whether the DVMRP
            routing table should be resent."
    ::= { junidDvmrpScalar 2 }

junidDvmrpNumRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of entries in the routing table.  This can be
            used to monitor the routing table size to detect illegal
            advertisements of unicast routes."
    ::= { junidDvmrpScalar 3 }

junidDvmrpReachableRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of entries in the routing table with non
            infinite metrics.  This can be used to detect network
            partitions by observing the ratio of reachable routes to
            total routes."
    ::= { junidDvmrpScalar 4 }

-- The DVMRP Interface Table

junidDvmrpInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JunidDvmrpInterfaceEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The (conceptual) table listing the router's multicast-
            capable interfaces."
    ::= { junidDvmrp 2 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     JunidDvmrpInterfaceEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "An entry (conceptual row) in the junidDvmrpInterfaceTable.  This
            row augments ipMRouteInterfaceEntry in the IP Multicast MIB,
            where the threshold object resides."
    INDEX      { junidDvmrpInterfaceIfIndex }
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceTable 1 }

JunidDvmrpInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    junidDvmrpInterfaceIfIndex               InterfaceIndex,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceLocalAddress          IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceMetric                Integer32,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceStatus                RowStatus,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceRcvBadPkts            Counter32,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceRcvBadRoutes          Counter32,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceSentRoutes            Counter32,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceInterfaceKey          SnmpAdminString,
    junidDvmrpInterfaceInterfaceKeyVersion   Integer32

junidDvmrpInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The ifIndex value of the interface for which DVMRP is
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 1 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
            "The IP address this system will use as a source address on
            this interface.  On unnumbered interfaces, it must be the
            same value as junidDvmrpInterfaceLocalAddress for some interface
            on the system."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 2 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceMetric OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..31)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
            "The distance metric for this interface which is used to
            calculate distance vectors."
    DEFVAL     { 1 }
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 3 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
            "The status of this entry.  Creating the entry enables DVMRP
            on the virtual interface; destroying the entry or setting it
            to notInService disables DVMRP on the virtual interface."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 4 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceRcvBadPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of DVMRP messages received on the interface by
            the DVMRP process which were subsequently discarded as
            invalid (e.g. invalid packet format, or a route report from
            an unknown neighbor)."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 5 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceRcvBadRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of routes, in valid DVMRP packets, which were
            ignored because the entry was invalid."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 6 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceSentRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of routes, in DVMRP Report packets, which have
            been sent on this interface.  Together with
            junidDvmrpNeighborRcvRoutes at a peer, this object is useful for
            detecting routes being lost."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 7 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceInterfaceKey OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
            "The (shared) key for authenticating neighbors on this
            interface.  This object is intended solely for the purpose
            of setting the interface key, and MUST be accessible only
            via requests using both authentication and privacy.  The
            agent MAY report an empty string in response to get, get-
            next, get-bulk requests."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 8 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceInterfaceKeyVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
            "The highest version number of all known interface keys for
            this interface used for authenticating neighbors."
    ::= { junidDvmrpInterfaceEntry 9 }

-- The DVMRP Neighbor Table

junidDvmrpNeighborTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JunidDvmrpNeighborEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The (conceptual) table listing the router's DVMRP
            neighbors, as discovered by receiving DVMRP messages."
    ::= { junidDvmrp 3 }

junidDvmrpNeighborEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     JunidDvmrpNeighborEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "An entry (conceptual row) in the junidDvmrpNeighborTable."
    INDEX      { junidDvmrpNeighborIfIndex, junidDvmrpNeighborAddress }
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborTable 1 }

JunidDvmrpNeighborEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    junidDvmrpNeighborIfIndex         InterfaceIndex,
    junidDvmrpNeighborAddress         IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpNeighborUpTime          TimeTicks,
    junidDvmrpNeighborExpiryTime      TimeTicks,
    junidDvmrpNeighborGenerationId    Integer32,
    junidDvmrpNeighborMajorVersion    Integer32,
    junidDvmrpNeighborMinorVersion    Integer32,
    junidDvmrpNeighborCapabilities    BITS,
    junidDvmrpNeighborRcvRoutes       Counter32,
    junidDvmrpNeighborRcvBadPkts      Counter32,
    junidDvmrpNeighborRcvBadRoutes    Counter32,
    junidDvmrpNeighborState           INTEGER

junidDvmrpNeighborIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The value of ifIndex for the virtual interface used to
            reach this DVMRP neighbor."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 1 }

junidDvmrpNeighborAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The IP address of the DVMRP neighbor for which this entry
            contains information."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 2 }

junidDvmrpNeighborUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The time since this DVMRP neighbor (last) became a neighbor
            of the local router."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 3 }

junidDvmrpNeighborExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The minimum time remaining before this DVMRP neighbor will
            be aged out."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 4 }

junidDvmrpNeighborGenerationId OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The neighboring router's generation identifier."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 5 }

junidDvmrpNeighborMajorVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The neighboring router's major DVMRP version number."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 6 }

junidDvmrpNeighborMinorVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The neighboring router's minor DVMRP version number."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 7 }

junidDvmrpNeighborCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "This object describes the neighboring router's
            capabilities.  The leaf bit indicates that the neighbor has
            only one interface with neighbors.  The prune bit indicates
            that the neighbor supports pruning.  The generationID bit
            indicates that the neighbor sends its generationID in Probe
            messages.  The mtrace bit indicates that the neighbor can
            handle mtrace requests."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 8 }

junidDvmrpNeighborRcvRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The total number of routes received in valid DVMRP packets
            received from this neighbor.  This can be used to diagnose
            problems such as unicast route injection, as well as giving
            an indication of the level of DVMRP route exchange
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 9 }

junidDvmrpNeighborRcvBadPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of packet received from this neighbor which were
            discarded as invalid."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 10 }

junidDvmrpNeighborRcvBadRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of routes, in valid DVMRP packets received from
            this neighbor, which were ignored because the entry was
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 11 }

junidDvmrpNeighborState OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER { oneway(1), active(2), ignoring(3), down(4) }
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "State of the neighbor adjacency."
    ::= { junidDvmrpNeighborEntry 12 }

-- The DVMRP Route Table

junidDvmrpRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JunidDvmrpRouteEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The table of routes learned through DVMRP route exchange."
    ::= { junidDvmrp 4 }

junidDvmrpRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     JunidDvmrpRouteEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "An entry (conceptual row) containing the multicast routing
            information used by DVMRP in place of the unicast routing
    INDEX      { junidDvmrpRouteSource, junidDvmrpRouteSourceMask }
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteTable 1 }

JunidDvmrpRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    junidDvmrpRouteSource             IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpRouteSourceMask         IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpRouteUpstreamNeighbor   IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpRouteIfIndex            InterfaceIndexOrZero,
    junidDvmrpRouteMetric             Integer32,
    junidDvmrpRouteExpiryTime         TimeTicks,
    junidDvmrpRouteUpTime             TimeTicks

junidDvmrpRouteSource OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The network address which when combined with the
            corresponding value of junidDvmrpRouteSourceMask identifies the
            sources for which this entry contains multicast routing
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 1 }

junidDvmrpRouteSourceMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The network mask which when combined with the corresponding
            value of junidDvmrpRouteSource identifies the sources for which
            this entry contains multicast routing information."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 2 }

junidDvmrpRouteUpstreamNeighbor OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The address of the upstream neighbor (e.g., RPF neighbor)
            from which IP datagrams from these sources are received."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 3 }

junidDvmrpRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The value of ifIndex for the interface on which IP
            datagrams sent by these sources are received.  A value of 0
            typically means the route is an aggregate for which no next-
            hop interface exists."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 4 }

junidDvmrpRouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..32)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The distance in hops to the source subnet."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 5 }

junidDvmrpRouteExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The minimum amount of time remaining before this entry will
            be aged out."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 6 }

junidDvmrpRouteUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The time since the route represented by this entry was
            learned by the router."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteEntry 7 }

-- The DVMRP Routing Next Hop Table

junidDvmrpRouteNextHopTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JunidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The (conceptual) table containing information on the next
            hops on outgoing interfaces for routing IP multicast
    ::= { junidDvmrp 5 }

junidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     JunidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "An entry (conceptual row) in the list of next hops on
            outgoing interfaces to which IP multicast datagrams from
            particular sources are routed."
    INDEX      { junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSource, junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSourceMask,
                 junidDvmrpRouteNextHopIfIndex }
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteNextHopTable 1 }

JunidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSource             IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSourceMask         IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpRouteNextHopIfIndex            InterfaceIndex,
    junidDvmrpRouteNextHopType               INTEGER

junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSource OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The network address which when combined with the
            corresponding value of junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSourceMask
            identifies the sources for which this entry specifies a next
            hop on an outgoing interface."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry 1 }

junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSourceMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The network mask which when combined with the corresponding
            value of junidDvmrpRouteNextHopSource identifies the sources for
            which this entry specifies a next hop on an outgoing
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry 2 }

junidDvmrpRouteNextHopIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     InterfaceIndex
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The ifIndex value of the interface for the outgoing
            interface for this next hop."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry 3 }

junidDvmrpRouteNextHopType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER { leaf(1), branch(2) }
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "Type is leaf if no downstream dependent neighbors exist on
            the outgoing virtual interface.  Otherwise, type is branch."
    ::= { junidDvmrpRouteNextHopEntry 4 }

-- The DVMRP Prune Table

junidDvmrpPruneTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF JunidDvmrpPruneEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The (conceptual) table listing the router's upstream prune
    ::= { junidDvmrp 6 }

junidDvmrpPruneEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     JunidDvmrpPruneEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "An entry (conceptual row) in the junidDvmrpPruneTable."
    INDEX      { junidDvmrpPruneGroup, junidDvmrpPruneSource,
                 junidDvmrpPruneSourceMask }
    ::= { junidDvmrpPruneTable 1 }

JunidDvmrpPruneEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    junidDvmrpPruneGroup              IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpPruneSource             IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpPruneSourceMask         IpAddress,
    junidDvmrpPruneExpiryTime         TimeTicks

junidDvmrpPruneGroup OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The group address which has been pruned."
    ::= { junidDvmrpPruneEntry 1 }

junidDvmrpPruneSource OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The address of the source or source network which has been
    ::= { junidDvmrpPruneEntry 2 }

junidDvmrpPruneSourceMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The address of the source or source network which has been
            pruned.  The mask must either be all 1's, or else
            junidDvmrpPruneSource and junidDvmrpPruneSourceMask must match
            junidDvmrpRouteSource and junidDvmrpRouteSourceMask for some entry in
            the junidDvmrpRouteTable."
    ::= { junidDvmrpPruneEntry 3 }

junidDvmrpPruneExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The amount of time remaining before this prune should
            expire at the upstream neighbor.  This value should be the
            minimum of the default prune lifetime and the remaining
            prune lifetimes of the local router's downstream neighbors,
            if any."
    ::= { junidDvmrpPruneEntry 4 }

-- DVMRP Traps

junidDvmrpTraps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrp 0 }

junidDvmrpNeighborLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       junidDvmrpInterfaceLocalAddress, -- The originator of the trap
       junidDvmrpNeighborState  -- The new state
    STATUS             current
            "A junidDvmrpNeighborLoss trap signifies the loss of a 2-way
            adjacency with a neighbor.  This trap should be generated
            when the neighbor state changes from active to one-way,
            ignoring, or down.  The trap should be generated only if the
            router has no other neighbors on the same interface with a
            lower IP address than itself."
    ::= { junidDvmrpTraps 1 }

junidDvmrpNeighborNotPruning NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       junidDvmrpInterfaceLocalAddress, -- The originator of the trap
    STATUS             current
            "A junidDvmrpNeighborNotPruning trap signifies that a non-pruning
            neighbor has been detected (in an implementation-dependent
            manner).  This trap should be generated at most once per
            generation ID of the neighbor.  For example, it should be
            generated at the time a neighbor is first heard from if the
            prune bit is not set in its capabilities.  It should also be
            generated if the local system has the ability to tell that a
            neighbor which sets the the prune bit in its capabilities is
            not pruning any branches over an extended period of time.
            The trap should be generated only if the router has no other
            neighbors on the same interface with a lower IP address than
    ::= { junidDvmrpTraps 2 }

-- conformance information

junidDvmrpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrpStdMIB 2 }

junidDvmrpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrpMIBConformance 1 }

junidDvmrpMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { junidDvmrpMIBConformance 2 }

-- compliance statements

    STATUS  current
            "The compliance statement for the DVMRP MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { junidDvmrpGeneralGroup, junidDvmrpInterfaceGroup,
            junidDvmrpNeighborGroup, junidDvmrpRoutingGroup, junidDvmrpTreeGroup
        GROUP   junidDvmrpSecurityGroup
            "This group is mandatory for agents which support both
            authentication and privacy of SNMP messages, and only for
            those network interfaces for which DVMRP is authenticating
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBCompliances 1 }

-- units of conformance

junidDvmrpGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { junidDvmrpVersionString, junidDvmrpGenerationId,
              junidDvmrpNumRoutes, junidDvmrpReachableRoutes
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of objects used to describe general DVMRP
            configuration information."
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 2 }

junidDvmrpInterfaceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { junidDvmrpInterfaceLocalAddress, junidDvmrpInterfaceMetric,
              junidDvmrpInterfaceRcvBadPkts, junidDvmrpInterfaceRcvBadRoutes,
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of objects used to describe DVMRP interface
            configuration and statistics."
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 3 }

junidDvmrpNeighborGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { junidDvmrpNeighborUpTime, junidDvmrpNeighborExpiryTime,
              junidDvmrpNeighborMajorVersion, junidDvmrpNeighborMinorVersion,
              junidDvmrpNeighborCapabilities, junidDvmrpNeighborRcvRoutes,
              junidDvmrpNeighborRcvBadPkts, junidDvmrpNeighborRcvBadRoutes,
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of objects used to describe DVMRP peer
            configuration and statistics."
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 4 }

junidDvmrpRoutingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { junidDvmrpRouteUpstreamNeighbor, junidDvmrpRouteIfIndex,
              junidDvmrpRouteMetric, junidDvmrpRouteExpiryTime,
              junidDvmrpRouteUpTime, junidDvmrpRouteNextHopType
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of objects used to store the DVMRP routing
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 5 }

junidDvmrpSecurityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { junidDvmrpInterfaceInterfaceKey,
              junidDvmrpInterfaceInterfaceKeyVersion }
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of objects used to store information related
            to DVMRP security."
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 6 }

junidDvmrpTreeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { junidDvmrpPruneExpiryTime }
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of objects used to store information related
            to DVMRP prune state."
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 7 }

junidDvmrpNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
    NOTIFICATIONS { junidDvmrpNeighborLoss,
                    junidDvmrpNeighborNotPruning }
    STATUS  current
            "A collection of notifications for signaling important DVMRP
    ::= { junidDvmrpMIBGroups 8 }